Welcome Osama and Megan!
The PAC Lab welcomes new undergraduate researchers, Osama Hussein and Megan Zheng! Both Osama and Megan are undergraduate students at Emory.
Lab opens! … and upcoming talks
The lab officially opens today!! Also, Dr. Rodgers will be presenting at two upcoming seminar series this month .. the Emory University Department of Cell Biology series, and the Frontiers in Neuroscience series.
New video presentation of our work
Dr. Rodgers presented at the Simons-Emory International Consortium on Motor Control and the video is now available on youtube! In this short video, he shows for the first time new preliminary data on active strategies for sound localization.
The PAC lab opens January 2022!
The website is launched and the work is starting behind the scenes, but the doors will open January 2nd, 2022! If you’re interested in joining us, you can reach out before then … see the list of open positions!
Shape discrimination paper published in Neuron
Our work on how mice recognize objects using their whiskers was just published in Neuron!